Carrot Broth

Okay so after my so-so start with Meat Mithkabobs, I thought I’d do something a lot simpler for my next recipe and what is simpler than some good ole Carrot Broth. Besides, I figured my kids would like some hare familiars to play with.

I’d gone to the Costco Auction House a couple months (yes, months) ago and since the organic San d’Orian carrots there are actually cheaper in bulk than buying it at my local AH, I figured I should just get that and whatever I don’t use can go into our Little Worm compost bin. I still have about half the bag left and they’ve started to grow, so this was a good excuse to use up a few.

San d'Orian Carrots

As you can see, they’re getting a bit hairy and starting to sprout at the top. The funny thing about these carrots is that in all my experiments I don’t think I ever did grow any, though it does appear to be possible with, if you can believe this, Fruit Seeds. Yeah, what’s up with that?


June 29, 2010. Tags: , , . Broths, Recipes. 5 comments.

Meat Mithkabobs

When I first became an adventurer 7 1/2 years ago, none of us had any idea what we were doing. Like anyone new, we stumbled about killing things, died constantly, got lost multiple times a day, etc. Eventually, someone who knew better would come along and tell us what we were supposed to be doing.

The first time I ever remember seeing someone eat food was when Pokko and I decided to wander off to Jeuno at some ridiculously low level. We made it to Meriphataud Mountains until we thought it would be cool to fight a lizard, our first ever. After we were beaten silly while standing there stiff as stone statues, a white mage in full artifact hopped off her chocobo to help us. She ate an apple pie before giving us both raises and then simply trotted off without more than a nod.

While this white mage never directly told us what to do, it opened a door for us. Unfortunately, for the tough guys in my group of friends, the only thing worth eating at the time was Meat Mithkabobs. They were extremely pricey, for Mhaura Garlic was really hard to come by back then and Cockatrice Meat was of course, also very hard to get. The melees all had to farm for funds to feed our group.

This is my first post to this new blog and the idea behind it is to bring recipes from Vana’diel into the real world. Since Meat Mithkabobs were the most important food of my newbie days, I figured I could start there.

Meat Mithkabobs

Since this was my first out of game synth, my meat didn’t turn out so great and I ended up with only three mithkabobs. My cast iron grill pan either wasn’t hot enough or I should have rubbed the meat with oil. I’m not sure yet, but the gray color is definitely a little gross. Still, they were pretty easy to make and tasty too. Read on for the recipe, which I kept as true to the original as I could.


June 16, 2010. Tags: , , , , , . Meat Dish, Recipes. 7 comments.