Carrot Broth

Okay so after my so-so start with Meat Mithkabobs, I thought I’d do something a lot simpler for my next recipe and what is simpler than some good ole Carrot Broth. Besides, I figured my kids would like some hare familiars to play with.

I’d gone to the Costco Auction House a couple months (yes, months) ago and since the organic San d’Orian carrots there are actually cheaper in bulk than buying it at my local AH, I figured I should just get that and whatever I don’t use can go into our Little Worm compost bin. I still have about half the bag left and they’ve started to grow, so this was a good excuse to use up a few.

San d'Orian Carrots

As you can see, they’re getting a bit hairy and starting to sprout at the top. The funny thing about these carrots is that in all my experiments I don’t think I ever did grow any, though it does appear to be possible with, if you can believe this, Fruit Seeds. Yeah, what’s up with that?


June 29, 2010. Tags: , , . Broths, Recipes. 5 comments.